What’s on

Donating toys at the children’s ward at York Hospital
Bro Paul Johnson distributing toys at the children’s ward at York Hospital.

St Leonard’s Hospice Donation
WM Stan and Charity Steward Jim presenting a cheque to St Leonard’s Hospice this morning. The £1000.00 donation from...

Photos from the Installation night of our new Worshipful Master - 'Uncle' George. Tremendous team effort all round....

St George English Night 8th April 2024
We had 25 dining on Monday, including 4 visitors. As we were celebrating St George's Day at the Festive Board, the...

What is Freemasonry?

Irish Night 11th March 2024
Eboracum’s March Lodge meeting was an Irish-themed event with Irish Songs to the Festive Board Running Order! There...

Red Rose Lunch for the Sisters of the Lodge
For those of you who are new to Eboracum Lodge No 1611, we invite the Sisters (widows of former members of the lodge)...

New history pages to discover about Eboracum Lodge No.1611
We have added the following pages for you to explore and learn more about the history of our lodge. The Eboracum Lodge...

History of Eboracum Lodge No 1611 Presentation by W.Bro. David Bowman PPJGD on September 11th 2023
History of the Eboracum Lodge No1611 from the first note dating back to 11th January 1876 in The minutes of the meeting held at the Queens Hotel in Micklegate agreeing to form the Eboracum Lodge right up to modern day and the Eboracum Lodge Car Park

How to join the Lodge
If you are new Mason or just seeking a new lodge, then please contact our Membership Secretary, David Bowman, on 01759 369779 or at dbowman1952@hotmail.com.