
Support for Freemasons Lodge 1611

Support for Members

Freemasonry is a fraternal society where members will provide help and support for other members. This support takes many forms including friendship, companionship and help when facing difficulty or uncertainty.

Support for Freemasons Lodge 1611


Freemasonry provides a safe, trusting environment in which to develop new friendships. The ceremonies we perform are designed to impress upon our members the ideals of honour, integrity, trust, equality and charity. When new members enter the world of freemasonry, especially those who are members or ex-members of HM Forces, they are often delighted by the strong sense of comradeship that exists.

Support for Freemasons Lodge 1611


Lots of people realised during the lockdowns of the Covid pandemic just how lonely the world can be. Many of our members missed the companionship of lodge meetings. Following the formal ceremonies, the socialising which follows is a most enjoyable way to spend an evening. Most lodges have a busy social calendar in addition to the regular monthly meetings including dining at local restaurants, bowls meetings, theatre trips, and more.

Support for Freemasons Lodge 1611

When Times Get Rough

There are many examples of help and support which can be provided to members when unseen difficulties arise. The loss of a parent can prove traumatic, as can the catastrophic and sudden failure of a business, and we are able to provide emotional and practical support to the families concerned. We have a Samaritan Fund which provides help for members and their families when the NHS is unable or unwilling to provide the level of medical care needed.

Support for Freemasons Lodge 1611

Care Homes

There often comes a time in our lives when we need that extra care and support that our friends and families are not able to provide. Freemasonry has a number of care homes throughout the country, including one here in York, where a very high level of care is provided to those members and their families who are need of care. The homes operate to a very high standard and as well as the usual care facilities provide the opportunity to enjoy masonic companionship too.

Support for Freemasons Lodge 1611

Support for Local and National Charities

The recent Covid pandemic has highlighted many cases where local freemasons have made donations to food banks, homeless shelters. NHS charities and many other worthwhile causes. Freemasonry is the second biggest donor to charities in England, second only to the National Lottery.