The Terrestrial and Celestial Globes

“A gift from the Royal Order of Scotland”

The Celestial and Terrestrial globes were presented to the Eboracum Lodge at their regular meeting on the 13th of June 1910.

The pair were a most generous gift from the Royal Order of Scotland.

The map of the USA on the globe, shows Mexico still controlling Southern California. They did not lose California until 1848. It then became the 31st State of the Union in 1850.


A 1799 Joseph Banks Terrestrial Globe sold in New York earlier this year.

A quite special 19th Century floor globe made for Sir Joseph Banks sold on July 29th 2023.

Inscription reads:

To the R. Honourable Sir Joseph Banks, Bar K. B., President of the Royal Society This New British Terrestrial Globe, Containing all the latest Discoveries and Communications from the most correct and authentic Observations and Surveys to the Year 1799, by Capt. Cook and more recent Navigators. Engraved from an accurate drawing by Mr. Arrowsmith, Geographer.

The above inscription is identical to that on the Lodge globe, apart from the date.