The Committee Meeting Minutes from 1888 to 1916

Committee minutes 1888-1916

Transcribed committee MINUTES BOOK 1 1888-1916.

INDEX BOOK 1 1888-1916

12th July 1888

  • This is the first date of a recorded lodge committee meeting.
  • The construction of the organ to be completed.
  • The interior of the lodge to be decorated.
  • Funds to be raised by creating a subscription fund at £1 per Brother.
  • Painting of the exterior to be carried out at the end of the summer.



10th May 1889

  • The committee recommended that the resident tyler be dispensed with at the end of the year.
  • Whytehead proposed that a sub committee be formed to to raise the necessary funds for the completion of the organ and the decoration of the lodge.
  • Brown proposed that a safe be purchased at a cost not exceeding £7.
  • Whytehead proposed that secretary of the lodge keep the books of the lodge at a remuneration of £5 per annum.


7th June 1889

  • Balmford was to write to a Mr Denman that the committee had agreed to spend £70 on the organ and what could he do for that amount.


9th June 1889

  • It was agreed that the lodge had not derived any benefit for having a resident tyler and so Bro.Hall was to be given 6 months notice to leave the premises.
  • Arrangements were to be made for a suitable person to attend to the cleaning, keeping the premises and furniture in good order.
  • The subscriptions for the painting and decoration of the lodge to amount to £50.


2nd July 1889

  • Whytehead proposed that a Mr Rawlings be employed to “chip the letters”(The Institute) off the front of premises and to cover the floor of the passageway with cement.


Meeting of Trustees 2nd July 1889

  • Whytehead reported that a new lodge was being formed in York and that the promoters had suggested it meet at St Saviourgate.
  • The new lodge was to be called “Albert Victor”
  • It was agreed to accept the new lodge on the agreed terms of £30 per year. This sum to include the cost of gas and coals. 12 meetings permitted each year. Additional meetings would cost extra.


15th July 1889

  • The secretary read out a letter from Messrs Denman in which it was stated that they could not work on the organ for the offered fee of £70. A further letter was sent to Denmans requesting an estimate for the work.


29th July

  • Mr Denman attended the meeting and agreed to send in an estimate for what he could do for a fee of £120.


7th August

  • An estimate was received and accepted subject to Lodge approval for the painting and decorating of the Lodge. The decorating to cost £25.16.6 and the gilding to cost £20.
  • An estimate for the painting and cleaning of the supper room, entrance hall and smoke room came to £3.7.0 – £2.7.6 – and £3.0.0 respectively – the committee accepted the figures.
  • Blenkin proposed that the staircase be carpeted on felt and the passage be covered with linoleum – carried.
  • An estimate was submitted by Mr. Denman amounting to £120 – £70 to be paid on completion and £50 afterwards – proposed and carried.


4th September 1889

  • Whytehead submitted an estimate for taking up the present flag floor to the entrance hall and replace with black and white encaustic tiles on a bed of cement for the sum of £14 less £2 for the old flags. It was agreed by the committee to have pattern tiles selected by the committee. Also to enquire what depth of concrete would be given.


6th December 1889

  • The various accounts were checked over and the amount was £209.18.5. It was decided not order payment at present.
  • Sellers offer to lend £150 @ 4.5% on two promissory notes. This offer was taken up.


19th December 1889

  • The following accounts were checked – Mr Pearson, painting A/C £81/9/3 – Mr Rawling, bricklayers work £33/10/8 – York Gas Co. Sunlight A/C £8/14/11 – Hunter and Smallpage, fittings £4/8/8 – T.Guy, canvas £6/15/6 – Bro Whytehead proposed and Bro Blenkin seconded that the foregoing accounts be paid – carried.



14th March 1890

  • The committee made an inspection of the building with Bro Penty, architect. It was suggested that the present lavatory be abolished and an alcove to erected on the side to be heated with a “Musgrave Stove”.
  • That access be made to the cottage from the staircase by a flight of steps and that a lavatory be erected in the yard.
  • Bro Penty was instructed to prepare a report on the proposed alterations and the estimated cost to submitted to the next committee meeting.
  • Bro Whytehead proposed and Bro Balmford seconded “that water power be obtained to blow the organ” – carried



19th February 1891

  • Accounts were presented to the committee as follows-
J.Biscomb – alterations £119/ 7/3
J.H.Shouksmith £27/ 3/  3
Organ £   3/18/0
Stove and gas fittings £ 8/ 1/ 10
J.Hardgrave – Picture rods etc £   14/ 0/0
R.Pearson – painting £10/12/ 3
Denmans – organ £157/12/9
                                                                      Total £321/10/3


  • Proposed, seconded and carried that £276/10/3 be paid leaving a balance of £45 due to Mr Denman – carried
  • Bro Penty sent a communication stating that he had made no charge for preparing plans and superintending the work in connection with the alterations.
  • Bro Sellers offered £200 @4.5%, Bro Dyson proposed and Bro Blenkin seconded that the offer be accepted in four amounts of £50.
  • Piano – Bro Dyson stated that he had an offer from Bro Starkey to lend his piano to the lodge on the understanding to keep in it in repair.


From 19/2/1891 to 10/7/ 1896 there is an inexplicable gap in the minute book – pages had been left blank as if the minutes were going to be added a later date.




10th July 1896

  • Bro Whytehead read the Trust Deed and it was found that three of the Trustees had resigned Bros. Millington, Padel and Penty.
  • The secretary read out the list of shareholders showing share capital of £1180 on which interest at the rate of 2% was being paid.
  • Bro Whytehead called attention of the furniture and building and thought the matter should be brought to the attention of the Past Masters.


There are no minutes recorded from the 10th July 1896 until 11th February 1898. There are no blank pages between these dates.




11TH February 1898

  • Bro Lamb stated that the cottage adjoining the Lodge was for sale, the price required being £400. It was agreed to form a sub committee to explore the possibility of purchasing said property.


29th February 1898

  • Bros Lamb proposed and Bro Smith seconded that Bro Whytehead take the chair.
  • The chairman called on Bros Lamb and Shouksmith to report the result of their interview with respect of purchasing the cottage adjoining the Lodge. Bro Shouksmith stated that the committee had inspected the cottage and adjoining premises. He did not think it would be to the advantage of the Lodge to purchase the cottage.
  • Bro Whytehead thought it would be to the advantage of the Lodge to purchase the cottage if it could be obtained at a reasonable price.
  • After a long discussion it was agreed that the sub committee brethren be empowered to offer £200 for the cottage.


22nd February 1898

  • The deeds having been inspected and it was found that when the Trustees were reduced to three, that the number should be increased to thirteen at a future Lodge meeting.
  • It was agreed to alter the insurance by taking off the amount on the building and increasing the amount on the furnishings and pictures.
  • Bro Dyson proposed and Bro Whytehead seconded that a circular be issued with the next Lodge summons asking the Brethren to subscribe shares to the amount of £350 to replace Bro Sellers loan.
  • Bro Lamb reported that he had offered £200 for the cottage adjoining the Lodge, and the offer was under consideration.
  • It was agreed that the negotiations be left in the hands of Bro Lamb to make the best terms he could.


2nd December 1898

  • The secretary reported that Bro Lamb had negotiated the purchase of the cottage for the sum of £215. The cottage had been conveyed by Mr George Crombie, and the secretary had that day received from Mr Crombie the deeds of the property.
  • The secretary reported that the Lodge insurance had been altered according to wishes of the last committee meeting. The amount now stands at £1500 on the property and £750 on the fixtures and furniture.
  • The secretary reported that the response to the issue of new shares amounted to 22 equating to £110.
  • The appointment of a Tyler was then considered and after discussions Bro Chapman be appointed as Tyler and caretaker of the cottage. Bro Chapman was to receive 7 shillings per week for cleaning and occupying the cottage at a rental of £12 per calendar year.




16th October 1899

  • During the past year a new Tyler had been appointed, Bro Stockdalearrangements to be made with the new Tyler in collecting subscriptions for a salary of £5 per year and also to act as caretaker and to clean the lodge at a salary of £15.
  • The rent for the Eboracum Chapter to be raised to £5 per annum.




  • 21st February 1900
  • It was resolved that a new stove for the Lodge room be purchased at a cost of £7.
  • The secretary was instructed to write to the Tyler drawing his attention to the state of the Lodge and generally as to his duties.
  • Bills were passed for payment amount to £50/0/11.
  • The appointment of Bro J.Wray of Lodge 236 as almoner of this lodge was agreed to.


23rd November 1900

  • The Tyler having applied for an increased remuneration for cleaning the Lodge was considered very fully and after much discussion on the proposition for Bro Garood, seconded by W.Bros Dyson it was unanimously resolved that the Tyler be allowed £5 per annum for Tyling the Lodge and £21 per annum for cleaning. These being the amounts asked for Bro Stockdale for his duties, such duties to be outlined in a letter to be sent him by the secretary.
  • It was resolved that this arrangement should be subject to one months notice on either side to terminate such engagement.
  • It was resolved that a sub committee consisting of the WM, senior and junior wardens, the immediate past master be appointed to superintend the condition in which the Lodge premises and furniture were generally kept and generally with a view to more effectively overlooking the interests of the Lodge.




1st March 1901

  • The question of buying additional crockery, cutlery on behalf of the lodge was unanimously adjourned the the next Lodge committee meeting.


6th May 1901

The proposition of W.Bro Whytehead to increase the Initiation fee on entry from 5 guineas to 7 guineas was considered and after much discussion it was resolved to accept the proposition.


29th November 1901

  • The question about purchasing new crockery and cutlery was abandoned.
  • Bro Humphreys presented the report of the sub committee appointed to consider the advisability of obtaining a Lodge circular (summons) and after discussion it was resolved that the secretary to obtain prices from the printer for a supply for 12 months.




  • It was resolved that the secretary obtain an estimate as to the cost of lacquering the gas brackets in the Lodge room.
  • It was resolved that the ante-room adjoining the Lodge be distempered and cleaned.
  • It was resolved that the washbasin in the lavatory which now overflows be repaired forthwith.
  • The application of Mrs Chapman for help for her children was adjourned for further consideration and for further particulars as to her personal position in life.


18thApril 1902

  • It was resolved that the gas brackets in the Lodge room be painted by Bro Welburn.
  • It was resolved that application be made to the Educational Fund of the Province of North and East Yorkshire for help for the children of our late Bro George Addingly Chapman.


23rd December 1902

  • It was resolved the Yorkshire Herald Co. be asked to reduce their charge for printing the monthly circulars from 10 shillings to 7 shillings and 6 pence.
  • After discussions upon the proposition that an electric light fan and electric light be provided in the dining room at a cost not to exceed £10. It was resolved that the matter be deferred.
  • It was resolved that the draft rules required by the Club Section of the Licensing Act 1902 be passed and recommended to the Lodge for approval.
  • It was resolved that the outside of the lodge premises and the cottage adjoining be painted with two coats of paint forthwith.




The following bills were passed for payment –

Biscomb       £2/ 1 /1

Gas Co.         £3/17/6

Dixon                  17/6

Whytehead £3/ 0 / 0


  • It was resolved that the regular Lodge be held on Easter Tuesday instead of Easter Monday.
  • It was resolved that 300 catalogues of pictures and books when completed be printed at the cost of Messrs Delittles estimate.


2nd October 1903

  • It was resolved that in future where possible, tenders or estimates of cost be obtained for all work to be done on behalf of the Lodge.
  • It was resolved the the WM, treasurer and two of the brethren be appointed a committee to inspect the Lodge rooms, ceiling and report as to the advisability if redecoration of same.


23rd October 1903

  • It was resolved that the alterations to the premises for which Bro Welburn had obtained a tender be proceeded with forthwith.
  • It was resolved that a circular be sent to every Brother requesting him to join and attend the Lodges of Instruction.



9th February 1904

  • It was proposed and seconded that Mr Perkins be instructed to the convey the buildings of the Eboracum Lodge to the newly appointed Trustees. Passed unanimously
  • Bro Humphreys moved that the rent of the Royal Arch Chapter be increased to 8 guineas
  • Bro Humphreys moved that a single ???candle pendant be fitted in the hall.
  • It was proposed by Bro Pfluger the following be printed on the monthly summons to the Brethren – Subscriptions for 1904 becomes due on 1st December 1903 and should be paid to the secretary. Carried.


17th October 1904

Re T.B.Whtehead testimonial

  • Resolved that this be a committee for the purpose of making a presentation to Bro Whytehead.
  • Resolved that Bro Humphreys be secretary.
  • Resolved that Bro Smith be treasurer.
  • Resolved that all present subscribe a guinea.
  • Resolved that a sub committee consisting of Bros Lamb, Smith, Humphreys and Kilvington wait on Bro Whytehead to ascertain his wishes as to what he would like.


21st October 1904

  • A letter was read from the secretary of the York Lodge stating that the present Almoner, Bro J Wray, desired to be relieved of his office. The WM was invited to meet the WM’s of other Lodges to a select a successor.
  • A letter was read from Bro Broadbridge and it was decided to ask him for his arrears.


7th December 1904

  • A letter was read from the Tyler asking to give up the house and also the caretaking and cleaning.Bro Challenger proposed and Bro Pfluger seconded that Bro Stockdale be paid 5 shilling a night as Tyler and a commission of 5% on all subscriptions collected by him – carried.
  • Bro Stockdale proposed and Bro Challenger seconded that Mrs Cobb be allowed to have the house at £14 a year clear of all rates and water and that she be paid £14 a year for cleaning and caretaking the Lodge – carried.
  • Bro Pfluger proposed and Bro Shore seconded that Bro Welburn and the secretary make arrangements with Mrs Cobb for cooking the suppers and supplying a waitress – carried
  • It was agreed to have the gas oven exchanged for a new one and the flue pipe let into the chimney breast.
  • Bro Storey proposed and Bro Chapman seconded that the secretary make arrangements for a Lucas light bulb placed in the Lodge room and also make arrangement for the monthly upkeep of the candles of all the incandescent lights.


16th December 1904

  • A letter was read from the Tyler asking that he be paid £5 for his services as Tyler and for collecting the subscriptions.
  • Proposed by Bro Kilvington and seconded by Bro Humphreys that he be paid 5 shillings a night as Tyler and that he be released from collecting subscriptions.
  • The secretary then brought forward his scheme for the “Eboracum Benevolent Fund” of which he had given notice at the last regular Lodge meeting.


The scheme was as follows

  1. That a fund be established in connection with the Eboracum Masonic Lodge for the relief of the brethren of the Lodge or his families.
  2. That the 44 shares held ing the Lodge in Eboracum Masonic Hall Proprietary form the nucleus of the fund and also any shares that may be presented to the Lodge for this purpose.
  3. That subscriptions and donations to this fund shall be entirely voluntary, but all the Brethren of the Lodge are urged to support it to the best of their ability.
  4. That the future WM’s instead of placing wine on the table at their banquets, present the fund with 2 shares in Eboracum Mason Hall Proprietary.
  5. That the scheme be administered by a permanent committee of three together with the Worshipful Master and the Charity Representative. For the time being three to form a quorum.
  6. In no case shall more than one years income be given to any one case in one year.
  7. That any brother giving his shares shall still retain his voting power in Eboracum Masonic Hall Proprietary.
  8. That in the event of the funds of this scheme accumulating owing to no calls being upon them, the accumlations shall be used for the purpose of purchasing further shares in the Propietary. Should the time arrive when the whole of the scheme possessed by the Lodge, the accumulated funds may then be disbursed in any of the Masonic Charities or in the fabric of the building.


  • Most of the Lodge committee members were in agreement with the proposed scheme to such an extent they had agreed to pool all their shares into the scheme.


  • Bros Lamb and Smith said there was no necessity for such a scheme as a Benevolent Fund in connection with the Lodge as the Lodge funds could always be drawn upon for this purpose.
  • The secretary pointed out that it was necessary for a vote by the Lodge for this.
  • In going through the clauses, clause 4 raised the most objections. Bros Pfluger, Russell, Lamb, Smith and Kilvington all objected to the wine given to the WM being abolished as this would not be popular amongst the Brethren.
  • On a vote being taken the clause was lost by one vote. The secretary said that as this clause was the pivot upon which the whole scheme turned, he would not present it for consideration of the whole Lodge.
  • It was also decided to recommend to the Lodge a new bye-law as follows –

“That each officer of the Lodge except the secretary, organist and stewards pay a fee of HONOUR of 10

shillings on receiving his appointment”




24th March 1905

  • Accounts were submitted –

New range for the cottage kitchen £2/1/0

Cutlery                                                   £2/5/4

Total                                                       £4/6/4


  • Bro Pfluger proposed and W.Bro Chapman seconded that they be paid – carried
  • The Lucas light in the centre of the Lodge room was considered unsuitable and after discussion it was proposed by W.Bro Garrood and seconded by W.Bro Lamb that it be removed and the Gas Company be asked to take it back again and that the lodge pay the for the hire of it. Also the side lights be attended to – carried.
  • Bro Garrood offered on the removal of the Lucas light to place a “Big G” in the centre of the Lodge room and to bear the cost of the same.
  • Bro Storey proposed and W.Bro Lamb seconded that the offer be accepted – carried


  • Bro Welburn brought forward the work and remuneration of the lodge caretaker, Mrs Cobb. He pointed out that the salary was not commensurate with the amount of work and that under the present arrangement of the Tyler and caretaker being paid separate salaries the lodge was getting better caretaking for £3 a year less than the previous year. The Brethren all agreed that the Lodge was never so well looked after as under Mrs Cobbs caretaking.
  • The matter of catering for the Lodge suppers was also discussed. It was proposed by W.Bro Welburn and seconded by W.Bro Kilvington and supported by W.Bro Challenger that “Mrs Cobb be paid £3 a year in addition to to her present salary of £14 from the time of taking over the duties and that she be the caterer for the suppers under the supervision of the Senior Steward and that 20 suppers at 1 shilling and 6pence each be guaranteed – carried.
  • Bro Pfluger mentioned that some notice out to be taken of the Rev. G.Trundells claim to the ancient 1611 bible which stands on the Worshipful Masters pedestal. It was proposed and seconded that “the Lodge retain possession of the Bible and that a letter be sent by the secretary to Mr Trundell informing of this decision”- carried
  • Bro Kilvington proposed and W.Bro Challenger seconded that the bible be suitably be repaired – carried – W.Bro Kilvington was requested to see this done.




12th October 1906

  • The secretary read a letter he had received from Bro J.E.Jones, the secretary of the Albert Victor Lodge 2328 re their tenancy of the Eboracum Lodge premises which they intended to terminate at an early date. The reasons given were insufficient ventilation and the ill effects from the coke stove, especially in the weather. He also thought that the rent of £20 a year was paid until 1st November 1906. They proposed to pay £6/13/4, one third of the years rent in lieu of notice.
  • The question was thoroughly discussed by the Brethren present after which the following resolution was proposed by W.B.Kilvington, seconded by W.Bro Challenger and carried unanimously- “ That the secretary of the Eboracum Lodge be instructed to communicate with the secretary of the Albert Victor Lodge and point out that he is in error in assuming that the rent is paid to 1st November 1906. The last rent paid on the 20th June and was due on 1st May and was not paid in advance. Whilst disagreeing that there is any cause for the alleged complaint contained in the letter of the 26th September 1906, the Eboracum Lodge agree to accept the proposal to pay the £6/13/4 in lieu of notice in addition to the £10 due as rent to the 1st November 2006”
  • The committee directed that Albert Victor could use the Lodge for their next ordinary meeting to be held on 23rd October 1906.
  • Bro .Lamb,treasurer, there was a credit balance at the Bank of £123/10/4. He suggested that £50
  • be paid off of the loan of £300 at Barclays Bank.
  • B.Kilvington suggested that the gas brackets in the lodge room be re-gilded for the Installation – this was proposed,seconded and carried. W.Bro J.Welburn was asked to carry out the work.
  • Attention was drawn to the unsatisfactory condition of some of the spouting at the back of the lodge premises. Bro J.Dixon was asked to remedy this.
  • Bro Challenger suggested that more use should be made of the Lodge premises in regard to sociability and recreation. The matter was good heartedly discussed by most of the brethren present. The feeling was strongly against any innovation of the kind suggested after which
  • The secretary was instructed to see Messrs Delittle and obtain prices for 4 or 6 receipt books.




15th July 1907

  • The secretary suggested that the names and addresses be printed on a separate form for the information of the Brethren. The matter was discussed and eventually W.Bro Humphreys proposed and W.Bro Storey that the names of the new members of the lodge be printed and placed in the each copy of the bye-laws – carried.
  • Attention was called to the dampness on one of the walls in one of the rooms upstairs and it was resolved that Bro J.Dixon see to it.
  • A discussion ensued re the Lodge being used as a club in addition to its present usage to which it is put. W.Bros Kilvington, Pfluger and Lamb participated in the discussion but nothing further was decided.
  • The question of cleaning the pictures om the Lodge was left in the hands of W.Bro Lamb.
  • The re-painting of the front of the Lodge and cottage was placed in the hands of W.Bro Welburn.


13th September 1907

  • The secretary submitted a letter received from from W.Bro R.Gould with regard to giving a Masonic lecture to the Brethren of Eboracum Lodge. The fee for the lecture was 5 guineas. On the proposition W.Bro J.Smith and seconded by W.Bro Pfluger, the secretary was instructed to see the secretaries of the sister lodges and see if possible arrange for a lecture to the united lodges to be given at York Lodge – carried.
  • The question of Brethren in arrears was brought forward. Bros Wainhouse and Foster were mentioned in particular. It was agreed that they be written to pointing out to them that if they did not pay up before the October lodge they would be struck off the roll.
  • A letter addressed to the W.M. was received from W.Bro A.Procter enclosing one which he had received from the Grand Secretary re a grant from the Grand Lodge of Benevolence to Mrs Mary Cumberland widow of the late W.Bro J. Cumberland informing the brethren that at the meeting of the Grand Lodge of Benevolence the petition on Mrs Cumberlands behalf had been dropped as the circumstances of the case did not warrant them in making a grant. It was intimated that Mrs Cumberland had received a grant of £25 from the Lodge of Benevolence North and East Yorkshire.
  • Bro Kilvington, by letter to the Worshipful Master, complained of the unsatisfactory state of the lodge room, as the presence of dust. The matter was discussed by the committee and it was decided that the Worshipful Master speak to Mrs Cobb.
  • The Worshipful Master mentioned the question of a Ladies Night. It was eventually decided that a Ladies Night be not held this year.


18TH October 1907

  • A letter was read out from Bro J.Foster re his arrears of subscription and it was resolved on the proposition of W.Bro Humphreys and seconded by the WM that nothing be done in the matter until June or July next year.
  • The claim of the secretary of the Albert Victor Lodge to the ownership of Goulds History of Freemasonry and a picture presented to Eboracum Lodge by W.Bro Lamb was discussed. It was decided that Goulds History be handed over to the Albert Victor Lodge as it their property and that W.Bro Lambs presentation picture was the property of Eboracum Lodge. It was mentioned that Bro Parker had removed a table which was the property of Albert Victor Lodge. A deputation was appointed to wait on the secretary of Albert Victor Lodge viz W.Bros Lamb and Kilvington.
  • The matter or the missing catalogue of the library was mentioned and it was decided that enquiries be made about it.
  • Bro Smith suggested that the copies of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge and the Rosicrucian College now in the lodge library be bound. Proposed, seconded and carried.
  • Bro C.Thompson called attention to the ceiling of the Lodge room.
  • An account of £15/19/10 was passed to be paid to W.Bro Welburn for painting the outside of the lodge premises and the cottage adjoining.
  • Bro Lamb,treasurer, reported that there was £133 in the bank to the credit of the lodge. It was resolved on the proposition of W.Bro Challenger, seconded by Bro Humphreys that £75 be paid off the building account.




  • The secretary read the list of Brethren in arreas as follows –
  • Bro’s Horsley 2 years, L.Beaumont 2 years, C.Harper 1 year, H Foster 2 years, W.Wainhouse 2 years. A general discussion re the arrears ensued and it was decided to bring the names before the next ordinary lodge. Some members of the committee arranged to see some of the Brethren mentioned.
  • The chairs of the Senior Deacon and the Director of Ceremonies in the lodge room required repairing and two of the ventilators. Proposed, seconded and carried that the repairs be done.
  • Bro Smith brought forward the matter of the Masonic Certificates of the late W.Bro Whytehead. The Whytehead family were wishful that the lodge should take charge of them. On the proposition of W.Bro Kilvington, seconded by W.Bro Chapman the following resolution was carried unanimously – “that the Eboracum Lodge is willing to frame the certificates of the late W.Bro J.B.Whytehead and hang them on the walls of the lodge premises on condition that the WM and Brethren are allowed to retain them as long as the Lodge wishes but that at the dissolution of the Eboracum Lodge they revert back to the Whytehead family” also, that any member, or friends of the Whytehead family will be allowed to view the certificates at any convenient times. W.Bros J.Smith undertook to present this resolution to Mrs J.B.Whytehead.


21st May 1908

  • The WM brought forward the question of W.Bro Storeys resignation as a member of Eboracum Lodge. The matter was discussed by the Brethren present and on the motion of W.Bro G.Russell IPM, seconded by W.Bro Lamb it was resolved that the resignation be NOT accepted and that a letter be sent by the secretary to W.Bro Storey asking him to reconsider the matter – carried.
  • On the proposition of W.Bro Lamb and seconded by W.Bro Challenger it was resolved that a green baize cover be got for the piano.
  • The question of the whisky supplied by the Stewards was brought forward by W.Bro Lamb. It was decided eventually on the proposition of W.Bro Humphreys and seconded by W.Bro Garrood that Bro A. Humphreys supply 3 bottles of Irish whisky as samples.


24th September 1908

  • The withdrawal of W.Bro Storeys resignation as a member of the lodge was notified with pleasure.
  • A letter was read from the secretary of Agicola Lodge 1991, containing the following resolution – “In view of the lease of the premises at present occupied expiring in April 1910, application be made to Eboracum Lodge to ascertain whether Agricola Lodge can be accommodated in their lodge from that date and if so, upon what terms and conditions” The matter was discussed by the committee and W.Bro Russell and Bro Chapman seconded that a small committee be appointed to meet the brethren of Agricola Lodge and discuss the matter as regards the terms and conditions.
  • The question of Trusteeship of the Lodge was brought forward by the WM. Only two of the original trustees were still acting and the secretary had addressed the following letter to W.Bro Millington “since the death of W.Bro J.B.Whytehead you are the sole remaining trustee of the Eboracum Hall Propietary and the lodge committee have under consideration the selection of new trustees. According to the Trust Deed on members of the Eboracum Lodge were to be Trustees and therefore a layman would think that you ceased to be a trustee on resigning the Lodge. According to the legal mind this is not so and a trustee remains a trustee during his lifetime or until he renounces his trusteeship. I shall therefore be pleased to know if you will give us the necessary assistance in making a new Trust Deed. If you are in York shortly and will call and see W.Bro Humphrey at Messrs Bleasdales in Colliergate he will give you fuller information” W.Bro Millington replied that he would give the lodge every assistance in drawing up a new Trust Deed and called on W.Bro Humphreys to whom he said that he was willing to renounce in favour of a new trustee.
  • On the proposition of W.Bro Kilvington seconded by W.Bro Challenger it was decided that Mr Perkins be the solicitor to draw up the new Trust Dee.
  • The ventilation of the dining room was introduced by W.Bro Kilvington and discussed by the Brethren and it was decided to consider the questions more thoroughly at the next lodge committee meeting.
  • Bro Humphreys mentioned about the disagreeable smell caused by the gas oven in the kitchen when being used for cooking purposes – the smell being very offensive and pervading the whole building. The brethren inspected the oven, found out the cause and on the proposition of W.Bro Humphreys, seconded by W.Bro Challenger it was ordered that the oven be removed and ventilated into the chimney. The Gas Company to do the work.
  • It was proposed and seconded that that W.Bro Welburn submit an estimate for the redecoration of the Lodge room.
  • Bro Humphreys spoke about the unsatisfactory manner in which Bro Stockdale, the Tyler, performed his duties. The matter was discussed by most of the committee present and it was proposed and seconded and carried that Bro Stockdale be Not re-appointed as Tyler.
  • Bro Kilvington proposed and W.Bro Russell seconded and it was carried by 6 votes to 3 that an advertisement be inserted in the York papers for a Tyler for the Eboracum Lodge.


16th October 1908

  • Bro Humphreys brought up and read the report of the sub committee appointed to meet a sub committee of the Agricola Lodge re their desire to sub tenants of the Eboracum Lodge on the expiration of their lease of their premises in Oglesforth. The recommendation of the sub committee was that Agricola Lodge become tenants of the Eboracum Lodge at a rent of £50 a year to include rent, rates, coal, gas,use of furniture, glass and cutlery and all reasonable wear and tear and breakages and to be taken on a lease of 10 years. A discussion followed and on the proposition of W.Bro Garrood,seconded by W.Bro Humphreys it was decided to offer Agricola a yearly tenancy of a lease of 10 years.
  • The question of the Trusteeship in connection with the Lodge and cottage premises was brought forward. It was proposed and seconded that the matter be placed on the lodge agenda for the meeting on 14th December 1908.
  • It was proposed and seconded that something should be done to remedy the insufficient ventilation in the Lodge dining room. – carried.
  • The condition of the roof of the Lodge room had to be seen to by the WM and W.Bro Welburn.
  • The secretary that he had according to a resolution passed at the last lodge committee, written Bro Stockdale a letter informing him that his services as Tyler be dispensed with on December 31st 1908 and that he had received a reply which the WM read to the Committee. It was however further decided on the proposition of W.Bro Humphreys, seconded by W.Bro Garrood and carried that the resolution of the committee of Sepember 24th be adhered to and his services be dispensed with on December 31st
  • It was proposed and seconded that £75 be paid off the load account at Barclays Bank.





17th December 1908

  • The secretary read a letter received from Agricola Lodge in which they stated that on account of their financial position they could not pay the rent asked for of £50 a year as tenants of the Eboracum Masonic Hall. They offered a rental of £35 a year. It was carried on the proposition of W.Bro Dixon that £45 a year be the final offer and that the sub committee meet the Agricola sub committee and place this offer before them.
  • The question of the trusteeship of the Lodge was stated to be complete and only required the signatures of the Trustees which the secretary was asked to secure and witness.
  • The question of insufficiency of ventilation in the dining room led to a long discussion. W.Bro Sykes strongly advocated the introduction of the electric light and the use of an electric fan. On the proposition of W.Bro Garrood seconded by Bro Pilllmoor S.W. it was resolved tht the sub committee consult Bro Hamer? the City Electrical engineer and him for four separate estimates, one each for the lodge room, reception room and for an electrical fan.
  • The redecoration of the Lodge room was mentioned. It was last done up 22 years ago. W.Bro Welburn estimated that it would cost £75. It was agreed the matter would stand over until the sub committee had met the subcommittee of Agricola Lodge.
  • Bro Dixon reported that the roof was alright.
  • It was proposed, seconded and carried that Bro Pearson at the wish of the sub committee act as temporary Tyler for the next lodge night on 11th Jan 1909 at 5 shillings for the night.
  • On the proposition of W.Bro Dixon, seconded by W.Bro Humphreys it was resolved that the off of W.Bro Lamb to hand over to the lodge the shares of the late W.Bro T.B.Whytehead for £75 the sum he had paid for them be accepted. The resolution passed on 16th October 1908 that £75 be paid off the loan at Barclays Bank was recinded.
  • Bro Dixon was asked to arrange with the Gas Company for the alteration to the gas oven in the kitchen and to do all the necessary repairs in the Lodge.
  • The quality of the whisky supplied by Messrs Robertson and Sanderson was mentioned and on a proposition, seconded and carried Bro Walker SW was asked to write to the firm.
  • Bro Pfluger brought forward the question of having someone to supervise the Lodge to see what repairs were required and to keep intact the valuable possessions, such as pictures which the Lodge owned. It was proposed that the supervisors be W.Bro Garrood, Lamb, Humphreys and Welburn and that they act without any liability attaching to the position. This was seconded by Bro Pillmoor SW and carried.



15th February 1909

  • The correspondence between Bros Walker JW, and Messrs Robertson and Sanderson re the quality of whisky supplied by them to the lodge was read. They required a sample to test. After the discussion it was resolved on the W.Bros Humphreys and seconded by W.Bros Garrood that the firm be asked to supply the lodge with
  • the exact quality of whisky supplied to Harkers Hotel and that they give an absolute guarantee that it is the such and at the same price. The matter was left in the hands of W.Bro. Lamb.
  • A letter was read by the secretary re the Agricola Lodge and the tenancy of the Eboracum Masonic Hall. The letter stated £45 was more than they could give and offered £40. On the proposition of W.Bro Humphreys seconded by W.Bro Chapman it was desired by the committee adheres to the offer (£45)made at the meeting of the sub committeeon 22nd December 1908.
  • A letter was read from W.Bro Smith intimating that the higher degrees which met at Eboracum Lodge were prepared to pay a rental of £10/10/0 a year instead of £8/3/0. The allocation of the different rents of the several degrees on the proposition of W.Bro Humphreys, seconded by W.Bro Garrood was left in the hands of W.Bro Smith.
  • A letter was read from Bro Kay, Scribe E, of the Eboracum Royal Arch Chapter enclosing a cheque for £20 from the Chapter towards the re-decoration fund of the Lodge. The WM also handed to the secretary cheque for £10 towards the same purpose. For this he was heartily thanked.
  • On the proposition of W.Bro Garrood, seconded by W.Bro Thompson and carried, it was decided to issue a circular to all Brethren inviting subscriptions for the re-decoration fund of the Lodge room.
  • The following Brethren were reported to be in arrears, it was proposed,seconded and carried that the following Brethren be struck of the roll, Bros Foster, Horsley, Wainhouse, Harper and Witty.

4th March 1909

  • It was proposed, seconded and carried that no other estimate other than W.Bro Welburns (£75) be asked for the re-decoration of the lodge room.
  • The WM read Bro James’s estimate for the Electric Lighting. The WM proposed and Bro Pillmoor seconded that Messrs Naylor and Sons be asked for an estimate.This was defeated by 2 votes for and 5 against.
  • Bro Dixon proposed and W.Bro Thompson seconded that Bro James’s estimate of £29/15/6 plus cost of electrollers be accepted. This was carried.
  • It was suggested that the organ loft and several smaller rooms be also fitted up.
  • It was proposed, seconded and carried the Electric Lighting be done forthwith and the same sub committee act to see it carried through.


25th June 1909

  • Bro Kilvington suggested that an extra electric light be placed near the pedals in the organ loft – the suggestion was adopted.
  • A letter was read from Agricola Lodge re the tenancy of premises of the Eboracum Lodge. The matter was discussed by the Brethren. Eventually on the proposition of W.Bro Humphreys, seconded by W.Bro Kilvington it was decided to offer them the tenancy at £45 a year though they offered £40, the secretary to point out to them that the extra expenses would be incurred by the use of the newly installed electric light. This was carried by 5 votes for and 1 against and 3 neutral.
  • Bro Lamb mentioned that he had £2 in hand from the Instruction lodge. On the proposition of W.Bro Humphreys and seconded by W.Bro Welburn it was decided to give this to the lodge decoration fund.
  • Bro Lamb presented the account of Mr Perkins £12/1/8, the solicitor, in transferring the lodge premises and cottage to the new trustees. On the proposition of W.Bro Kilvington, seconded by Bro Walker JW, it was carried.


2nd September 1909

  • Bro Lamb presented the account of Mr Potter £3/13/6 for binding numbers Quator Coronati. On the proposition or W.Bro Lamb, seconded by W.Bro Welburn
  • and carried it was decided to pay the account.
  • Bro Lamb proposed and W.Bro Welburn that a smaller measure be got for the sale of whisky and that a glass be charged – carried.
  • Bro Welburn suggested that a small sub committee be appointed to give assistance and advice during the decoration of the lodge room.
  • The removal of the gas brackets was suggested as being more conducive to the effectiveness of the decoration of the lodge room. W.Bro Kilvington objected to their removal observing the electric light sometimes failed which could be on a lodge night if such a thing happened. On a vote of 7 for to 1 against, their removal was decided on.
  • Bro Kilvington offered to provide copper ??? for the fall pipes. The offer was accepted and he was thanked for the offer.



5th October 1909

  • A letter was read from Bro Pearson who had been acting Tyler during the year. On the proposition of W.Bro Humphreys, seconded by W.Bro Challenger it was decided that Bro Pearson do not pay his members subscription this year.
  • The question of removing the wall next to the dining room was discussed. It was intimated the alterations could be done for £60 by Mr W.H.Birch. W.Bros Kilvington and Challenger wanted an architect to be consulted. The matter was fully discussed and eventually it was resolved that the specifications and estimates be got. The cost not to exceed £60 and the same to be brought before a committee meeting on the 8th
  • It was resolved that the tender of Mr. W.Birch for the alteration to the lodge dining room be accepted and that the work be proceeded with at once.


26th November 1909

  • It was resolved that electric lights be placed in the cellar and storeroom.
  • Bro Humphreys read the terms of the agreement between Eboracum Lodge and Agricola re tenancy of Agricola. W.Bro Pfluger proposed and W.Bro Garrood seconded and it was carried that Agricola Lodge be asked to provide Trustees to act on their behalf instead of the WM and Wardens for the time being. It was agreed that the matter of the tenancy of Agricola Lodge be put on the next lodge summons – carried.




21st January 1910

  • The following accounts were passed for payment by the Treasurer
Building account W.Birch        £59/15/0

Electricity account & fittings   £14/2/1

Glass                                            £ 2/14/0

Kirby & Nicholson                      £       7/3


  • It was proposed, seconded and carried that a sub committee be formed to decide the “Masonic Knocks”- carried.
  • It was reported by the secretary that the matter of the Agricola Lodge tenancy had been agreed and signed.


11th July 1910

  • A letter was read from the secretary of the Agricola Lodge 1991 asking that they be permitted to hold their next lodge on 29th March in the Eboracum Lodge. It was resolved that this was acceptable and permission was granted on the payment of £1.
  • The duties of the caretaker, Mrs Cobb, were next discussed and it was proposed, seconded and carried that Mrs Cobb be paid £26 a year.
  • A sub committee to be formed to see Mrs Cobb.


15TH April 1910

  • The following accounts were submitted for payment – it was resolved that they be paid.
Bro R.A.Rodgers       £10/16/11

W.Bro J.W.Dixon      £22/17/  8

Total                           £33/14/  7


  • Bro Humphreys informed the committee that W.Bro Welburn and himself had seen Mrs Cobb re the cleaning of the lodge and had got a promise from her that the matter would be more carefully attended to.
  • Bro Humpheys proposed and W.Bro Storey seconded and it was carried unanimously that Bro W.Railton be appointed Tyler of the lodge commencing on the 9th May at a salary of 5/- each lodge night.
  • The question of subscription to the Decoration Fund of the Lodge was discussed. W.Bro Lamb, treasurer gave a statement of receipts and disbursements and it was decided that this fund be kept separate from the general income of the Lodge.
  • The issue of New Shares in the Eboracum Lodge Proprietary was brought forward. It was arranged that the following notice be on the next Lodge summons with the consent of the WM “The Eboracum Lodge Proprietary is now in a position to issue £5 Debenture Shares to any Brother who is deserving of taking them up”


26th August 1910

  • The Treasurer, Secretary and Steward were instructed to prepare form for the Government Excise Duties and to forward the same to the authorities.
  • The secretary was instructed to forward the form on Land Values duly filled up for the instruction of the Lodge Committee.
  • A letter was read out from the secretary of the Agricola Lodge asking for a front door key re the terms of the agreement. It was decided that the key which the Tyler had should be given over to Bro Milburn.
  • The treasurer Bro Railtons for renovations to the seats in the Lodge Room amounting to £13/15/2. It was agreed to pay it.
  • The Decoration Fund was discussed.On the proposition of W.Bro Challenger and seconded by W.Bro Humphreys it was resolved that a list of subscriptions paid and promised should be sent to the Brethren.
  • It was decided that the Installation Banquet be held in the lodge dining room.


9TH November 1910

  • Bro Welburn introduced the matter of presenting the Worshipful Master with a Past Masters Jewel at the expense of the Lodge funds. He enumerated the the magnificent gifts to the lodge by the Worshipful Master and proposed that a jewel be presented at the Installation of the WM elect. This was seconded by W.Bro Garrood. It was supported by W.Bros Thompson and Challenger. W.Bro Humphreys objected as it would create a bad precedent that every Past Master should be presented with a jewel out of Lodge funds. On a vote being taken, the proposition was carried unanimously.
  • The secretary intimated that a new Lodge Minute book was required and that he was instructed to get tenders for the same.



24th March 1911

  • A letter from W.Bro Fox Thomas pointing out that the list of officers shown on the Lodge summonses were not in accordance with the Order of the United Grand Lodge of England. It was considered and it was decided to revise the list in the order appointed.
  • The Lodge Decoration Fund discussed and the secretary instructed to communicate with W.Bros Kilvington and Storey inviting their subscriptions.
  • It was agreed the secretary be instructed to write to W.Bro Welburn requesting him to send in his account in connection with the Lodge Decorations without delay.


19th May 1911

  • The secretary read out a letter from W.Bro Storey intimating his pleasure in presenting to the Decoration Fund his Lodge shares value £15. It was resolved that a vote of thanks be communicated to W.Bro Storey by the secretary.
  • The secretary submitted W.Bro Welburns account for the Lodge Decorations which was discussed and resolved that the account be paid.
  • It was proposed by W.Bro Humphreys and seconded by W.Bro Garrood and after discussion carried that in future, tenders be invited for any work to be done in the Lodge for amounts of £5 and over.
  • Bro Humphreys and seconded by W.Bro Walker that the Treasurer be authorised to borrow from the Bank the sum of £75 increasing the loan to £250.


29th September 1911

  • The secretary submitted a circular from a former Lord Mayor of London, Sir William Bait, in respect to the King Edward National Memorial which was discussed and it was decided to allow the matter to rest.
  • An application from Bro W.J.Baty who had resigned his membership in the lodge, respecting his 2 lodge shares of £5 each was discussed and the secretary was instructed to write Bro Baty referring him to the conditions on the back of the Debentures and to offer him £5 for the two shares.


31st November 1911

  • The Stewards return of the Cupboard receipts and payments for the last year ended Sept 30 1911 was submitted and discussed.
  • It was by W.Bro Humphreys and seconded by W.Bro Walker and after discussion, resolved that in future the whisky to be purchased in small quantities not exceed 4 gallons.
  • An amendment was proposed W.Bro Lamb and seconded by W.Bro Delittle to purchase the whisky in amounts of 10 gallons at a time was lost.
  • The report of the sub committee on the Stewards receipts was discussed and adopted.



               Sub Committee Report


  • In making a careful analysis of the Stewards Books during the past twelve months, there seems to be a considerable discrepancy between the amount expected in stock and the amount actually received for the goods sold. After allowing only 50% on the cost of stock purchased by the steward there is a deficiency of £33.
  • The Committee has endeavored to ascertain the cause of this deficiency but with only partial success. This due mainly to the careless and slipshod manner in which the Stewards accounts have been kept.
  • The Stock Book started by Bro Delittle in 1904/5 has been entirely neglected. If this had been properly kept, the Steward must haven known six months ago or when he got the last supply of whisky that he was rapidly losing money.


               We have traced losses in the following directions


  1. The Stewards were all most emphatic that they have not had the quantity of whisky said to be in the cask in October 1910, even after making due allowance for the amount consumed during the interval from the time the stock was taken to the time it was taken out by the incoming Stewards.
  2. The Stewards assert that there has been a loss lodge after loss lodge on the Suppers. As no details have been supplied in the cash book of what the actual loss was, this is more or less guess work. In many cases the the total cash taken both for drinks and the cost of suppers done. In December last, 37/6 was paid for Suppers but the total taken during the evening was only 34/1.

In August 30/- was paid for suppers  and the total cash all sources amounted only to 24/-. Although the Tyler helps Mrs Cobb to ?? and help she always charges for his supper.

She also gets about 2/- worth of liquors. As Mrs Cobb must make a handsome profit out of suppers we think she should provide the Tylers supper and that the liquor allowance be stopped.

  1. The bread and cheese on Friday nights has cost upwards of £6 for the year. On many nights not half has been consumed and Mrs Cobb gets the benefit of what has been left.




  • That the barrel of whisky be discarded and the discarded and the whisky be purchased in quantities of not exceeding 4 gallons at a time. Samples should be obtained from local merchants as well as away.
  • All payments whisky included to be made by the stewards and surplus cash handed to the Treasurer each quarter. The reason for this is that if the stewards found that they were short of cash as they would have been during the past year, had the Treasurer not paid for the whiskey they would have at once known there was something wrong if they had not enough money in hand to pay their bills.
  • The stock book to be kept up as in Bro Delittles year 1904/5, had this been done, the leakages would have been discovered long ago.
  • Only the loss on suppers should be entered in the cash book,that is, the amount taken from the cash book to pay for visitors or candidates, or to make up the guaranteed amount, and the details of each should be shown.
  • Bread and cheese to be purchased by the stewards and a proper cheese cooler provided for keeping it in the cupboard.
  • All the cupboards to be provided with new Yale locks, there are some keys for the old locks not accounted for.
  • The audit for the Stewards Books should not take place until the new Steward has been appointed and is prepared to take over the stock. This would prevent the interval of 6 weeks or so when the outgoing Steward feels that he has finished but no successor has been found. This would not make any difference to the Lodge audit as the Treasurer only receives cash from the Stewards and does not pay it away on their behalf.


  • It was proposed by W.Bro Garrood and seconded by W.Bro Walker and agreed that Yale Locks be provided for the Steward cupboard and that the keys be handed over to the stewards.
  • It was proposed by Bro Gent and seconded by W.Bro Garrood and resolved that W.Bro Walker be asked to dip the whiskey.



24th May 1912

  • A discussion in regard to the minutes of the last Lodge Committee meeting ensued when it was ascertained that the Yale Locks had not been affixed and Past Master Dixon promised to have the work executed at once.
  • An application from the Agricola Lodge to use Eboracum Lodge premises on Tuesday nights instead of Wednesday nights as stated in the agreement existing between the two lodges was submitted. After discussion it was resolved that the application be agreed to conditionally upon the arrangement not interfering with the Eboracum Chapter.
  • The secretary reported the loss of Bro Rhodes Browns ritual which had to be replaced. The committee authorised the loss to be made good from the Lodge funds.
  • The secretary also reported the loss of a Postal Order for 5/- in transit to Bro Fox Thomas which has been reported to the Post Office authorities.
  • A proposal made by W.Bro Delittle in regard the purchase of a new piano for the Lodge was discussed at length when it was decided to allow the question to remain in abeyance for the present.


20th September 1912

  • The question of the painting of the outside of the outside of the Lodge premises and the adjoining cottage was discussed at length and on the proposal of W.Bro Dixon and seconded by W.Bro Chapman it was resolved that estimates for the work be obtained from W.Bro Welburn, Mr. J. Thomas of Stonegate and Messers Bellerby and Sons of Petergate.
  • The question of the valuation of the Lodge furnishings and properties was discussed and it was ultimately resolved on the proposition of Bro Broadbank, seconded by W.Bro Walker be asked to undertake the valuation and to have same completed by 11th October 1912.
  • An account of £3/0/1 for repairs during 1910/11/12 was submitted by W.Bro Dixon and it was resolved that the account be paid. W.Bro Pfluger dissented from this owing to the late rendering of the account.
  • A report as to the use of the Gas Stoves by Mrs Cobb for private consumption was referred to W.Bro Gent WM and Bro Broadbank for investigation.


27TH September 1912

The secretary reported that W.Bro Walker had replied in regard to the valuation of the Lodge furnishings and that his charge would be 2.5% on the valuation. The matter was discussed at length, it was resolved that the valuation be postponed.

The secretary reported the receipt for the following quotations for the painting of the outside of the lodge.

John Thomas £14/19/6

W.Bellerby and sons £8/15/0 subsequently amended to £10/5/0

In the absence of a quotation from W.Bro Welburn it was decided to adjourn same until receipt of his tender and a small sub committee be appointed to deal with the matter.

W.Bro Welburns tender of £14/5/0 was afterwards received and accepted by the sub committee.

W.Bros Gent and Bro Broadbank reported having visited the lodge on the Sunday morning September 22nd and finding that both gas stoves being used for Mrs Cobbs private cooking. The matter was discussed at length and it was resolved that Bro Brookbank JW, should see the Gas Company and arrange for lock taps to be affixed to both stoves.

Mrs Cobb was afterwards called before the committee and told by the WM of the leakage which had been going and of the arrangements which were being made for the future.

A letter from Mrs Masterman in regard the Eboracum Shares held by her late husband was submitted and after discussions it was decided that the application must be made by the Executors of the Estate.


13th December 1912

  • The question of the purchase of a new piano was discussed at considerable length and it was ultimately decided to leave the matter in abeyance for the present.
  • It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the Lodge room stove be repaired and re-lined and that the work be given to Bro Hardgrave.
  • The question of replacing the two fireplaces in the Lodge dining room carefully considered but after a lengthy discussion it was resolved on the proposition of W.Bro Walker, seconded by Bro Broadbank that the matter be deferred for three months.
  • It was proposed, seconded and carried that a House Committee consisting the WM, W.Bros Welburn, Humphries and the secretary make an inspection of the lodge premises and report.
  • A long and interesting discussion was entered into in regard to the working Instruction Lodges and it was resolved “that as far as possible we adhere literally to the Ritual with the assistance of the Preceptor”
  • On the proposal of the Worshipful Master, seconded by W.Bro Flint? that W.Bro C.Pfluger be asked to as Treasurer pro tem and he see Mr Crombie(solicitor?) and arrange with him in regard to the late W.Bro Lambs papers and books.




6TH February 1913

  • A report of the inspection of the Lodge premises by two of the members of the House Committee was submitted and discussed at length.

As a result of the discussion, it was resolved that PM Dixon should at once undertake the undermentioned defects and repairs.


  1. Shutters in the dining room.
  2. Ventilation in the west end of the dining room serviced and replaced by glass
  3. Damp in the lavatory and other upstairs rooms. Outside gutters to be thoroughly cleaned and put in order.
  4. Ventilators in Lodge Room to be put in working order.
  5. Draught in organ loft. Window to be papered over.
  6. Deacons wands to be repaired.
  7. To investigate cause of damp floor in lavatory.


  • The question of replacing one of the fire grates in the dining room was considered and it was resolved that a sub committee should be formed and visit PM Challengers office to inspect a new fire which he could supply at a cost of about £3/10/0 and the matter was left in their hands.
  • The secretary submitted a letter he had received from Mrs.Cobb tendering her resignation and after consideration it was decided to accept it.
  • A discussion ensued as to the appointment of a successor and on the proposition of W.Bro Pfluger seconded by W.Bro Walker it was resolved that a sub committee consisting of the WM, Treasurer and Secretary be asked to draw up a scheme as to the remuneration and duties of the caretaker with a view to advertising and to make special provision for an annual spring cleaning.
  • The names of three applicants for consideration as candidates for initiation were submitted and after discussion it was resolved that they be dropped. (One of which was a Mr J.Taylor)


Report of sub committee meeting consisting of W.Bros Grainger, Pfluger Treasurer and Bro Roberts Secretary held Monday 10th February 1913 

  • The question of the appointment of caretaker to the lodge, in succession to Mrs Cobb was discussed at length and with a view to obtaining an efficient person who would be prepared to devote the whole of their time to the Lodge, the sub committee were of the opinion that the remuneration should at least be at the rate of £40 per annum which represents £26 per annum salary and house free.
  • The sub committee were also strongly of the opinion that owing to the increased cost of coal, light etc etc of sustaining the Lodge in its present state and the increased cost of fuel, light etc etc that the Agricola Lodge should be called upon to pay a rental of £60 per annum.
  • The sub committee after careful consideration recommended that provision should be made for an annual Spring cleaning of the whole of the Lodge, furnishings and premises to be arranged and paid for out of the Lodge funds.


14th February 1913

  • The report of the sub committee in regard to the appointment of a caretaker to the Lodge was considered at length. It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the sub committee report and recommendations be adopted.
  • It was proposed, seconded and resolved that a sub committee of three, the WM, Treasurer and Secretary meet a sub committee of the Agricola Lodge and convey to them the decision of the committee in regard to the rental.
  • The question of the provision of well fires in the dining room was further considered and it was resolved that W.Bro Challengers offer to provide on well fire at a cost of about £3/10/0 be accepted and he was requested to proceed with the work.


7th March 1913

  • The question of the rental paid by the Agricola Lodge was again considered and the sub committee at the meeting of February 14th reported that they had met a sub committee of Agricola Lodge who had given the matter their careful attention but regretted their inability to pay any increased rental. After further discussion it was resolved on the proposition of W.Bro Walker and seconded by W.Bro Dixon that the sub committee again meet the Agricola Lodge representatives and convey to them the Eboracum Lodge Committees decision that unless they could see their way to increase the rental from £45 to £60 per annum 12 months notice to terminate the tenancy would be issued.


  • An application from Mrs Cobb for reinstatement as caretaker of the lodge was considered and on the proposition of W.Bro Gent? And seconded by W.Bro Wright? It was agreed that she be reinstated on a monthly tenancy, a months notice on either side to terminate the agreement.


9th June 1913

  • The secretary reported that in accordance with the minutes passed at the meeting held on 7th March the Eboracum sub committee again met with a sub committee appointed by Agricola Lodge and conveyed to them the Eboracum Lodge Committees decision. As a result of the conference between the two sub committees, the secretary submitted a letter received from W.Bro Gill on behalf of the Agricola Lodge offering to increase the annual rental from £45 to £50 conditionally upon the Eboracum Lodge granting them a lease of 5 years with the option of renewal for another 5 years on the same terms.
  • The question was discussed at length and general dissatisfaction was expressed at the tone of W.Bro Gills letter.
  • After several proposals had been put forward and considered it was ultimately agreed on W.Bro Pflugers proposition and seconded by W.Bro Gent that we accept the increase of £5 unconditionally and on no account would we alter the terms of the tenancy.


  • It was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed to rescind the minutes of the 6th February in respect to Mr J. Taylors candidature.


3rd July 1913

  • The secretary submitted a letter from W.Bro Gill writing on behalf of the Agricola Lodge agreeing to offer to pay £50 per annum as rental to the Eboracum Lodge as from 1st April 1913.

The question was duly considered and on the proposition of W.Bro Grainger WM, seconded by W.Bro Challenger it was agreed that the offer made by the Agricola Lodge be accepted.


  • It was resolved to purchase a new heavy mall for the lodge.







27th May 1914

  • The question of raising the Initiation Fee was discussed at length and ultimately on a proposition of W.Bro Pfluger, seconded by W.Bro Walker it was resolved that the Lodge be recommended to raise the Initiation Fee from 7 guineas (£7/7/0 to 10 guineas (£10/10/0).
  • Bro Brookbank WM reported that Mrs Cobb had been detected in tampering with the gas taps in the kitchen and using gas for other than Lodge purposes in flagrant defiance of the expressed wish of the Lodge committee and proposed that she be given a months notice to quit the house and one dispensing with her services as caretaker, the notice to date from 1ST June 1914. W.Bro Walker seconded the proposition and after much discussion it was carried.
  • It was resolved to hold the next Committee meeting on Friday 5th June 1914 at 9pm.


5th June 1914

  • The question of Mrs Cobbs successor was discussed. It was proposed,seconded and resolved to advertise in the York Evening Press on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday the 6th,8th and 9th of June respectively.
  • Bro Dixon proposed and W.Bro Chapman seconded that a sub committee consisting of the WM, W.Bro Brookbank, Treasurer, W.Bro Pfluger and W.Bro Delittle be appointed to deal with the applications and make a selection for submission to the Lodge committee.
  • It was decided that the sub committee meet on Friday 12th June 1912 at 9pm.
  • Bro Smith notified the committee of the possibility of the Mark Lodge which at present meets at the Masonic Hall, Duncombe Place leaving those premises and in the event of this taking place wished to know if the committee were favourably disposed towards accommodating them at Eboracum Lodge. The question was received with approval.


20th June 1914

  • The secretary reported that 52 applications had been received for the post of caretaker. These were carefully considered by the committeean six of the applicants were selected to be interviewed by the Lodge committee.
  • Each applicant was individually interviewed by the committee and after deliberation a Mrs Botterill was appointed caretaker of the lodge at a salary of £26 per annum, and £14 to be paid as rent for the cottage which she must occupy. The appointment to date from 1st July 1914.
  • The following brethren were reported to be in arrears with their lodge subscriptions –
  • Bros Tuke, Dent, Byrd, Page 2 years and Bro Home? 1 year. The secretary was instructed to write to them about the matter.


10th July 1914

  • The WM reported that on Saturday 27 June, Mrs Botterill, the newly appointed caretaker definitely decided not to accept the appointment after seeing over the cottage with her husband – that the selection committee was called together on Sunday 28th  June to interview Mr & Mrs Brown and showed them over the cottage and offered the post of caretaker which she was pleased to accept.
  • Bro Thompson proposed and W.Bro Dixon seconded that the action of the sub committee be confirmed – carried.
  • With reference to Mrs Botterills resignation the sub committee expressed the opinion that undue influence had been exercised by some member of the Lodge committee thus nullifying their efforts and W.Bro Pfluger suggested that a sub committee should be allowed to carry out their duties without any outside interference whatever.
  • The matter was very warmly discussed and finally allowed to drop on the suggestion of W.Bro Thompson.
  • Bro Pfluger reported on the bad state of the roof of the Lodge and the necessity of guard for the glass roof of the passage between the kitchen and dining room and thought that a complaint should be lodged with the landlord of the houses opposite with regard the spouting.
  • On the proposal of W.Bro Gent seconded by W.Bro Thompson it was to leave all matters concerning repairs in the hands of the sub committee.


23rd March 1915

  • The Worshipful Master outlined the action of Bro Cuthbert, the caterer, with regard his conduct at the last lodge, Monday 8th March 1915, when he vulgarly snatched the cloth of the top table in the presence of the two candidates, visitors and brethren. The WM proposed and W.Bro Delittle seconded “that the Stewards be asked to cater for suppers for the next few months.” This was carried and the secretary was instructed to write To Bro Cuthbert notifying the change.
  • A letter was read from the secretary of the Agricola Lodge complaining of the unsatisfactory leaking of the Lodge Room during the past winter and the secretary was instructed to reply regretting the inconvenience caused and notifying the Agricola Lodge that the defect in the stove had now been remedied.
  • A discussion took place on the working of the Lodge and revealed a difference of opinion as the whether the future working should be strictly according to the Ritual or be continued as here to fore. The matter was fully discussed and it was decided on the proposition of W.Bro Grainger, seconded by the WM, to leave the question of Ritual in the hands of a sub committee consisting of the WM, Preceptor, Senior and Junior Wardens to report to a future meeting of the Lodge Committee.
  • The question of arrears was mentioned but no action was taken.


9th September 1915

  • A discussion took place on the “Working of the Lodge” and it was decided to make no change but to leave the ritual as heretofore.
  • The WM reported that differences had arisen between the Caretaker and Tyler as to their respective duties. The matter was fully discussed and it was decided that it was the Tylers duty to replace the covers on the furniture in the Lodge Room after each Lodge, and to turn off the water and a letter to be sent from the secretary to Bro Railton informing him of their decision.
  • A letter from the Caretaker was read asking for a revision of her salary on the ground that the work was greater than she had been led to believe. She complained of the insuffiency of notice when extra meetings were to be held. The Worshipful Master proposed and W.Bro Pfluger seconded and it was carried that the question of salary be deferred and W.Bro Smith agreed to the the caretaker have ample notice of the future meetings of the side degrees.

Minutes compiled by W.Bro David Bowman PPJGD