A short history of our Lodge
The lodge building was constructed at a cost of £800 by The Institute of Popular Science and Literature whose aim was to improve the education of working men.
The Lodge was consecrated in 1876 after surmounting the problems of internal politics to become the second Lodge formed in York meeting at The Queens Hotel Micklegate York.
In 1878 the lodge first entertained American brethren who later presented a silver collarette which since then has been annually presented to the newly installed Master to be worn at all meetings held within the lodge and this established a tradition of welcoming international visitors
In 1883 new premises were bought in St Saviourgate York.

The building was then altered and rebuilt with the support of many gifts from its brethren to become suitable for purpose and it is where the Lodge continues to meet to this day.

The Lodge is justly proud to be active in the formation of new Lodges in the city as the the population grew and interest in Freemasonry blossomed.

The Lodge has continued to develop to this date and to generously support its charitable obligations remaining to this day remains as buoyant, as confident and as forward looking as ever.
History of the Eboracum Lodge Presentation
A full history of the Eboracum lodge has been prepared by W.Bro. David Bowman PPJGD – please enjoy over 60 history packed pages of presentation slides to get a full understanding of the long history of the Eboracum Lodge No. 1611