How to join the Lodge

Dec 6, 2023

If after reading the information on our site, you are interested in becoming a Freemason, we advise that you first talk to a family member, friend or colleague whom you already know to be a Mason. They will be able to explain to you what they can about the fraternity and help you decide if Freemasonry is right for you.

However, if you don’t know anyone who is a Mason, or are an unattached Mason who recently moved to the area and seeking a new lodge, then please contact our Membership Secretary, David Bowman, on 07513 283207 or at

Arrangements will then be made to meet you socially to find out more about you, and to give you a chance to find out more about us. You would then in due course be invited to meet a committee of members of the Lodge, prior to being balloted for membership.

We look forward to welcoming you to Eboracum lodge no. 1611


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